Erection levels:
Having the proper erection level is vital to growing your penis, to much blood in your penis is as bad as too little blood in your penis.
0% Limp penis
is bendable but with heft-lowest level of- with length & girth exercise.
25% erection level
50% erection level
is easy to lift your penis with your PC muscle and you can only sort of bend your penis with a 60% erection- Best for Exercise
75% erection level
100% erection level
your glans is fully swell and your are on your way to orgasm. Do not orgasm as this will hurt your gains for that day: Jelqing With a Proper Erection Level
Jelqing With a Proper Erection Level :
As a general rule: The higher your erection level, the less flexible your penis, and the more intense the exercise. In the beginning, you’ll want to jelq with an erection level between 40 and 75 percent. Jelqing with less than 40 or 50 percent is unproductive because it doesn’t efficiently push blood throughout your penis. Jelqing with more than 75 percent is dangerous when you first start out because your penis isn’t conditioned for performing penis exercises.
To keep it safe, stay in the 40 to 75 percent range until you’ve been performing penis exercises for two months. After that, you can gradually increase your erection level and thus the amount of intensity.
Many penis exercisers find that jelqing at higher erection levels obtains more girth, whereas jelqing at lower erection levels obtains more length. Try different variations to see what works best for you. But never jelq with a 100 percent erection level. Your penis is resistant to change when it’s erect, and forcing anything on your erect penis is like forcing pressure on an inflated tire.”